
Why Should we play Chess ??

Ever thought about it that why you should choose chess over any other game? Well it must be like develops memory power and all but there is not only one thing about it to take into a pro side.

Yeah by playing sports which keeps you physically active is on a different level but if you think that chess cannot keep you physically active then to my concern you are totally misunderstanding the whole term ‘CHESS”!

Well chess helps you in developing your memory, it keeps your mind active and yes it makes you firm on your decision making which is of course a thing to implement in your real life as well.

Imagine you having some physical injury and you keep on saying and buried in mind that you are not going to get better than yes your subconscious mind listens and at last you result in getting into more serious issues, but on the other side if your mind is well positive thinking of all the good things and motivating you in healing fast than I assure you that you will get up and heal that injury as fast as you couldn’t have imagine!

Chess is a mind developing game and with chess you can get that being physical means strong is not my phenomenon your mind set should be so strong that you should come up with a whole new energy and yes with firm decision making power no one can hurt or pull you back from your goals!

So yeah for me chess keeps you physically as well as mentally prepared and fit!



Of course many of you know it has other name as brain game. The notion that playing chess makes you smarter goes something like this: chess requires concentration and intelligence, and as mathematics and literacy require the same general skills, then practicing chess must also improve one’s academic achievement.

International grandmasters can play many opponent simultaneously and memorize all the moves played in their games. Apparently don’t go into the trauma that they are born with the talent and all then no it is the result of their intense practice and undivided concentration.

The human brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius and if are not using our brains capacity for challenge it feels as though it atrophies like an unused muscle!

You can state that memory is the cornerstone of intelligence and the database for creative thinking and all this creative thinking is the combination of new ideas. As you learn chess openings and basic patterns of play you begin to flex and strengthen your memory muscles.



Girls!! This is a great opportunity for you! Instead of wasting your money on costly treatments that empty your pockets you can play chess!

Well I am not cracking a joke its true!

Research has shown that individuals who regularly play mental sports are less susceptible to Alzheimer’s and other diseases related with advancing years. Chess keeps your mind agile, strong and clear as you get older.



Chess is so beautifully carved and design filled with patience love for the game and the urge of winning. It’s so sensual as well as a ‘purely mental’ mind soothing delight. As you play and learn in the vibrant universe of the intense black and white squares, you come to love the feel of the pieces in your hand, and to revel in the dramatic diagonal sweep of the bishop, the delightful yet charming leap of the knight, and the powerful thrust of the rook.



‘life is like a game of chess; we draw up a plan; this plan; however, is conditional on what- in chess, our opponent-in life ,our fate- will choose to do’


Chess is all about as fate is to life. We need to stay calm and think of anything whether good or bad in life in a very silent way and then making decision not to just hurry and get frightened and take the wrong decision and then blaming our fortune for no good.

Chess helps in developing your thinking power making you patient, ability to understand the situation and act accordingly, gives you a stable and good mind set, relieves stress and helps in reducing anxiety issues.

For those given to reflection, chess offers a mirror to self-understanding. Can you follow your daily made up routine? Are you self-motivated? How well you work under pressure? Are you impatient? Are you a prompt and manage your things well on time? Are you mentally lazy and impatient? Etc. etc...

Well chess is the solution to all your mind related queries whether you believe it or not for me it is the best solution for active and stable mind set after yoga.

When it comes in terms of teaching you about your own strengths and weaknesses, chess can develop your ability to understand others. To succeed at chess, every individual must learn to think like your opponent, even if your opponent’s style of thinking is very different from your own.


Speaking of strategy innovation and ‘resourcefulness’ are even more important today. The ability to analyze a problem, plan its solution, and then carry out that plan is life’s most important skill. Chess hones this ability in a unique and dramatically effective fashion.

‘Improvement of…… endeavor, the prevention of idleness, and the training of far-sighted, logical mental enjoyment’.



Inquire any top head-hunter what kind of person they seek to hire for senior management positions. They will tell you that, the basics of strong analytical and decision-making skills, they need people with superior strategic- thinking abilities who are willing to be accountable for their actions; people with insight into others, who can plan and act under pressure, especially in the face of uncertainty.

There is no better way to develop these abilities than through chess and other mind sports.


If chess were a game only, chess would never have survived the serious trials to which it has, during the long time of its existence, been often subjected.

By some ardent enthusiasts chess has been elevated into a science or an art.

It is neither, but its principal characteristics seems to be- what human nature mostly delights in-a fight.

Not a fight, indeed such as would tickle the nerves of coarser natures, where blood flows and the blows delivered leave their visible traces on the bodies of the combatants, but a fight in which the scientific, the artistic, the purely intellectual element hold undivided sway.


Tell us if you know anymore benefits of chess and why to play chess in the comment section down below and do not forget to tell what you love the most about chess!

Thanks for reading!
