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How to make FOX EYES For beginners

Fox eyes have become a popular trend in recent times, and they are a great way to give your eyes a lifted, elongated, and exotic appearance. Here are some tips on how to achieve fox eyes for beginners visit here if you need some assitance

  1. Start by prepping your skin: Cleanse your face and apply a primer to help your makeup last longer.

  2. Create a base: Use a nude eyeshadow or foundation to even out the skin tone on your eyelids.

  3. Use a brown or black eyeshadow: Apply a brown or black eyeshadow to the outer corner of your eyes and blend it upwards towards your temples. Use a light hand and build the color gradually.

  4. Use a white or nude eyeliner: Apply a white or nude eyeliner to your waterline to make your eyes appear wider and brighter.

  5. Create a winged eyeliner: Create a small winged eyeliner on the outer corner of your eyes and extend it slightly downwards towards the end of your eyebrow.

  6. Curl your lashes: Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler and apply mascara to make them look longer and fuller.

  7. Use false lashes: Apply false lashes to the outer corner of your eyes to create a more dramatic look.

Remember, practice makes perfect. It may take some time to perfect the fox eye look, but with patience and practice, you can achieve a stunning, exotic look that will turn heads.

  1. joe lie

    8 months ago

    Achieving the fox eye look requires strategic techniques. Start by analyzing your eye shape and desired aesthetic. Prepare the materials - eyeliner, eyeshadow, false lashes, and makeup remover. Next, watch tutorial videos to understand each step before attempting it yourself. Go slowly and check the symmetry. Use eyeliner to extend the inner and outer corners, angling upwards for a lifted effect. Apply eyeshadow to accentuate the elongated shape. Curl lashes add falsies for a doe-eyed look. Take photos from multiple angles to perfect the shape. Record the process in a proposal report format to improve over time. With practice, you can master the fox eye for stunning makeup looks. Go step-by-step and stay patient as you develop your technique.

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